Thursday, March 6, 2014

Nick & Hayden's 2014 MLB Preview: 11. New York Yankees

11. New York Yankees 
by Nick Opich

“This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end

No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again
Can you picture what will be
So limitless and free
Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand”

“The End” – The Doors

First it was Jorge Posada, followed by Andy Pettitte and Mariano Rivera, and now unbelievably we have reached the end of Derek Jeter’s career as a Yankee. For nearly two decades he patrolled the infield of Yankee Stadium acting as the face of the franchise, the “Captain” of a clubhouse filled with mega stars and super egos and now he has finally decided to retire after the 2014 season.

Even though it is strange to think about how this will be the final opportunity to watch Jeter play, I am glad that he didn’t call it quits after a 2013 campaign in which he only played 17 games. The Yankees are happy too, not only because of the massive amounts of tickets they can sell, but because they bring back a solid offensive contributor to a team that overachieved and won 85 games a year ago.

Since being average is never an option and after watching their rivals in Boston win the World Series, New York stocked up for Jeter’s final year. In true Steinbrenner fashion, the Yankees spent $470 million this offseason to buy several of the top free agents on the market. They’ve brought stability to their lineup, adding Jacoby Ellsbury, Brian McCann, and Carlos Beltran after struggling with injuries and giving over 100 ABs to Lyle Overbay, Mark Reynolds, Jayson Nix, Zolio Almonte, Vernon Wells, Kevin Youkilis, David Adams in 2013.

To shore up the rotation, they also doled out big money for Japanese ace, Masahiro Tanaka. Tanaka was a star in Japan and dominated for years overseas but it remains to be seen how effective he will be against Major League talent. So far in Spring Training he has looked good, but $155 million for a 3rd starter does not seem like a sound investment.

Despite these additions, the Yankees still look like the third best team in their division due to a number of lingering questions: How healthy is Mark Teixeira and will his wrist continue to be a problem? Can skinny C.C. Sabathia bounce back from a disappointing 2013? Who else can pitch out of the bullpen besides David Robertson and Shawn Kelley? Will Michael Pineda ever be healthy? Are the Yankees really going to give 400+ ABs to Alfonso Soriano, Kelly Johnson, and Brian Roberts?

They also need to hope that their new additions can replicate the offensive production lost with the departure of fan favorite, Robinson Cano, after he signed a massive deal with the Seattle Mariners.

Yeah the Yankees "won" the offseason because they made the biggest splashes but they didn't do that much to improve their ballclub. They're still an old team with glaring holes in their lineup, rotation and bullpen and they don't have much if anything in terms of prospects that can help them in case of injury or in the future.

So while it would be a nice story for Jeter to go out on top and win a championship in his final year, it seems like he’ll just have to be content with the five rings he already owns.

But hey, at least the Yankees and their fans get a year away from this...

1.      Last Season and Offseason
a.       85-77 (missed PO’s)
b.      Signed Jacoby Ellsbury, Masahiro Tanaka, Brian McCann, Carlos Beltra, Matt Thornton, Brian Roberts, Kelly Johnson

2.      Lineup/Rotation
1.      Jacoby Ellsbury CF
2.      Derek Jeter SS
3.      Carlos Beltran RF
4.      Mark Teixeira 1B
5.      Brian McCann C
6.      Alfonso Soriano DH
7.      Brett Gardner LF
8.      Kelly Johnson / Eduardo Nunez 3B
9.      Brian Roberts / Brandon Ryan 2B
1.      C.C. Sabathia
2.      Hiroki Kuroda
3.      Masahiro Tanaka
4.      Ivan Nova
5.      David Phelps

3.      Favorite/Least Favorite
a.      Hayden's Favorite– Managed to keep Gardner, should bat 2nd if Jeter gets hurt
b.      Nick's Favorite – Offseason splurge
c.      Hayden's Least Favorite – Infield; Ellsbury due for injury (ala 2012, 2010)
d.      Nick's Least Favorite – Rotation + Bullpen

4.      Impact Player
a.       Skinny CC Sabathia
                                                              i.      88 mph fastballs this spring
                                                            ii.      $23M next two yrs; $25M in 2016
                                                          iii.      2.69 K/BB ratio
                                                          iv.      Hit age 32 and regressed
                                                            v.      85 ERA+; 255 ERA+ in 2008 in MIL

5.      Impact Prospect
a.       What are “prospects?”

6.      Midseason Status
a.       Looking over the fine print still to get out of A-Rod’s contract in 2015.
                                                              i.      Those looking down the road will already be doing this with Ellsbury’s deal due                   to injury

7.      Bold Predictions
a.       90-72
b.      Trade Michael Pineda and C Gary Sanchez it takes to ANA for 2B Howie Kendrick
c.       Jeter retires early.
                                                              i.      Times Square Riot?
d.      A-Rod plays.
                                                              i.      Times Square Riot.
                                                            ii.      Bud Selig rips the remaining hairs out.

Podcast Playlist:
"Money (Let it Go)" - Taking Back Sunday
"I Wanted Everything" - The Ramones

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